How to do a Payment Reversal using a Refund

  • Updated



Process payment refunds that are referenced in the patient's profile and their invoice.


1. Start by navigating to Accounting > Invoice Search from the sidebar menu.


2.  Locate the invoice that needs to have the payment refunded.

3.  Select the icon located to the left of the itme and choose Refund Invoice.


You will get the quick invoice refund payment popup.  The amount of the invoice will already be entered with a negative.  You can leave it if that is the amount to be refunded or enter the correct amount using a negative.



4. Select Checkout



5.  Net you will get the Payment Receive popup.  Enter the  payment method that will be used.

6. Apply Payment



*Note If you do not see an option to Refund, you may not have the credentials to process refunds. This is controlled by the User Type permission 'Refund Payments'.

Additional Notes 1) Refunds will display on the payments section of the invoice template
  2) Day End and Payment reports will reference the refund with a negative amount
  3) Refunds are accepted by either the original payment method or by cheque
  4) Payment Refunds do not affect commissions
  5) Refunds involving payment gateway's such as Moneris and Stripe, you will need to refund the item on the Moneris and Stripe system, also a separate refund in Juvonno.
  6) If you are doing a full refund - you will not do a reversal of a payment you will use the Quick Invoice Refund method.  Create a quick invoice with a negative amount to fully refund. Also use this method for refunding when using Commissions.














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