Follow this guide on how to book and invoice treatment plan appointments.
Quick Links:
1) |
MIG Appointments |
2) |
MIG Block Tracking Appointments and Supplementary Goods |
3) |
MIG Blocks 1,2 & 3 |
4) |
MVA Appointments with Extended Health Benefits |
MIG (Minor Injury Guideline) Appointments
1) When booking a patient within their treatment plan, ensure the fields 'Treatment Plans' and 'Insurance' are correctly selected. If you have set a treatment plan to default, it will populate along with the associated insurance automatically, based on the billing order.
2) Notice the button, Treatment Plan Hot Links appears on the Products & Services header. Using this menu, select the items that are applicable. Once attached to the appointment, the countdown next to the items will update. When the item is exhausted, it will no longer display. Use this to keep track of items already billed.
Select Save when you have completed adding Treatment Plan items to the appointment.
4) When invoicing the appointment, the Checkout summary will display.
Use this summary to verify the correct Third-Party is selected. Select Checkout when complete.
MIG Tracking Appointments and Supplementary Goods
1) If the patient is part of the MIG (Minor Injury Guideline) utilize the $0 MIG Appointment tracking services to provide HCAI with which treatment dates were given within Blocks 1, 2 and 3.
2) When invoicing for supplementary goods, you can also use the Quick Invoice method below to separate a tracking date invoice from the goods invoice. This will avoid batch billing issues when submitting an invoice for goods separately from blocks.
The Treatment Plan and Insurance will be selected by default based on the patient profile.
Note: Quick invoices will not appear on the schedule as appointments. |
MIG Blocks 1,2 & 3
1) When the patient has reached the final tracking date within the block, use the Quick Invoice feature (shown in the previous step) to invoice the amount, adjusting the date to reflect the first tracking date within the block.
In the example below, the patient is ready to invoice Block 1 for $775 and the first treatment date within this block was Jan 14th. Click on the Date to open the calendar view, and select the appropriate day. Then use the Treatment Plan Hotlinks to select the Block to invoice.
Confirm the Treatment Plan and Insurance are chosen and select Checkout when ready.
A window will display confirming that the invoice will be covered in full by the MVA Insurance company.
Note: HCAI regulations state that all blocks billed must reflect the date of the first appointment contained in the block. |
HCAI Appointments with Extended Health Benefits
1) If the MVA patient has extended health benefits (EHB), they must first exhaust their benefits before billing the auto insurer. The EHB should be selected as the first insurer being billed when booking an appointment.
The recently added - All Active Insurers - option will auto split the invoice between the payors based on their billing order and policy rules.
2) Checkout will calculate what the first insurer (in this example, the EHB - Sunlife) will pay based on the insurance coverage details entered in the patient's profile, followed by the next insurer in the billing order.
Since the EHB has a maximum amount set at $200/yr, and the total being invoiced is $215, the remaining $15 will be split and assigned to the HCAI insurance.
On the Receive Payment screen you can select the 'View Splits' link to make adjustments if needed.
Learn more about Split Invoices and the Billing Order here.
You can now create and checkout appointments based on treatment plans.
Continue to HCAI : Extended Health Benefits Payments for the process on applying EHB payments.