How to Create & Submit HCAI Treatment Plans

  • Updated


Create OCF Treatment Plans from Scratch

1) Navigate to the Patient's Profile then select the tab Treatment Plans




2) Select the drop-down arrow and
Choose either an OCF18 or OCF23 plan:



3) Overview Tab


Learn more about requirements and details.


  • Practitioners - Select +Add Practitioner and choose from a drop-down list of practitioners attached to your HCAI facility/clinic. Note, that for the OCF23, only one initiating health practitioner is required. The assessing practitioner, either a Physiotherapist or Chiropractor should be set as both the default and RHP (Regulated Health Professional) using the radio buttons.

  • Name - Name of the treatment plan (i.e. MIG or OCF-18)
    This title is for the clinic's view only, and will not be seen by the adjuster.
    Keep this clear and concise for future reference.

  • Default - When set to Yes, this treatment plan will be selected by default when creating an appointment for this patient. Only one treatment plan can be set to default at once.

  • Clinic - The clinic set as the Patient's Default clinic will display. If required to, choose another clinic in its place, keeping in mind the practitioner selected to treat must be registered within the chosen facility.

  • Injury Date - The date of the patient's injury/accident

  • Treatment Start Date - The patient's Assessment date

  • Estimated Duration  - An estimate in weeks for the duration of the plan

  • Visits Already Provided - Number of appointments treated for this plan prior to the start date

  • Plan Description - Use a short paragraph to explain the treatment plan, this will not be seen by the adjuster.

  • Insurance - Enable the HCAI insurance that would have been initially added in the main Insurance tab of the patient's profile. Ensure this row is set to the 'HCAI' insurance type. If the patient has their own extended health benefits, enable them here as well and set them as either Extended  or Extended 2 as their insurance type.

  • Frequency - The estimated number of treatment occurrences per week/month/year. This is can be referenced from the Patient Lookup and/or the Charting window when applicable.


4) OCF-18 / OCF-23 Tab

Depending on which type of plan is being developed, select the OCF18 or OCF23 tab to complete the form's questions. Start by entering one or more injury codes (type-to-search by name or description).




 Note: If there are any special characters entered in the fields (i.e. '&' or double quotes ) the treatment plan will not submit and will display an error.

5) Products & Services Tab


Select +Add an Item and enter the products and/or services by name or item number.
Once entered, click Go.


If applicable, select from the Attribute dropdown to identify remotely and/or virtually delivered services.
Choose either IN or SD. Learn more about HCAI's attribute codes here.

Code Description
IN Indirect (e.g. telephone, video conferencing)
SD SD Self-directed (e.g. using tapes, videos)

Select the appropriate PAF type for the item (OCF-23 plans only)
Set each item as G: Guideline (Services) or S:  Supplementary (Products/Goods)
(It is recommended to assign a default PAF type in the product/service settings to skip this step).


Proceed to assign a Practitioner to the item and enter the Total Count (Units) of each item



Notice the totals with tax will appear on the bottom right and will update after selecting Apply Changes.


(OCF23 Only): Part 10: Guideline Services will auto-populate based on items and amounts added in the Products & Service tab and the associate PAF type. By default, the maximum fees will display as $1800 and $400. (If these totals are not calculating, select Apply Changes to refresh the value.)

7) Actions Tab


This tab will provide an updated list of Scheduled Appointments that are booked using this treatment plan. Below, select New Call, New Todo or Ad Hoc Action if you would like to schedule a reminder call, reminder task or use a premade template as a reminder for a future date, respectively.


View an example of a New Call


6) Additional Comments


Attachments: If there are documents being sent separately to supplement the plan,
(i.e. X-Rays) that will be emailed or faxed to the adjuster, check this option.

Enter any additional comments here that will be reviewed by the adjuster.

7) HCAI Tab

This tab will update with activity to (Communication) and from (Adjuster's Responses) HCAI.




9) Documents and Forms Tab


Use this tab if you would like to upload/attach documents to the treatment plan.
Note: These documents will not be submitted through to HCAI.

Clone a Treatment Plan

1) Navigate to the Patient's Profile.
Select the tab Treatment Plans.




2) Using the menu icon, select Clone Plan



Submit a Treatment Plan

1) Navigate to the Patient's Profile > Treatment Plans





2) Once the first three tabs have a green checkmark displayed (mandatory fields have been met)
the option to Submit OCF-23 or OCF-18 will be selectable from the plan's header:



Note: If the link to Submit is still greyed out while the tabs are displaying green checkmarks, scroll down and select 'Apply Changes' to store the values and enable the submit button.



4) A window will then display the submission status:



Note: Juvonno will prevent a treatment plan submission if there are errors found. If you are not familiar with the error, visit our HCAI FAQ for details.

All OCF forms other than 18 and 23 must be faxed to the adjustor.



You are now set to create and submit Treatment Plans to HCAI.

Proceed to HCAI: Appointment Booking & Checkout for the booking process with MVA and MIG patients.

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