Follow this guide on how to invoice treatment plans to HCAI.
The HCAI Dashboard includes treatment plans and invoices billed to HCAI.
Key Features include:
A live count of your active treatment plans and their current invoice status.
Active plans not considered are Denied, Exhausted or Deleted.
An Invoice HCAI link auto-batches and sends the user to the Submission Preview.
Batching will filter based on the treatment plan selected, and is editable if necessary. Filter and view treatment plans by their current 'billing' stage:
a) 'Ready to Submit' status is based on there being invoices attached to the plan that have not been batched/submitted to HCAI yet.
b) 'Awaiting EHB' status will display for treatment plans that have more than one insurance attached. Once a EHB (Extended Health Benefit) payment is applied, the status will update to 'Ready to Submit'. Override this status by select 'Invoice HCAI' and entering the payment amount in the HCAI Submission Preview window. For plans that have their EHB already exhausted, enter the treatment plan's insurance tab and deselect the EHB insurance.
c) 'Submitted' status is assigned after a HCAI submission is made and will remain for 30 days after submission. If necessary, you can still select 'Invoice HCAI' to proceed through to bill within that period.
d) 'Pending' status is set for those plans that do not have any invoices created yet, therefore they have nothing to submit to HCAI and the 'Invoice HCAI' link will not be available. Filter treatment plans by Last Invoiced Date being over or under 30 days of the plan's last submission.
Use this to view which patient's plans are ready to be invoiced again. Invoices have direct links within the Details column to their associated consolidated batch for review. The Treatment plans' details includes the total amount approved for the plan.
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If you would like to learn about HCAI-related reporting visit HCAI : Reports.