My Dashboard's Statistics Tab

  • Updated


Live stats are based on your own appointments, invoices and patients seen.


Hover over the Help_icon.jpg help icon for details on how each statistic is calculated.

Active Patients:

Unique amount of patients that you have had active appointments with within the date range (excluding cancelled appointments).

New Patients:
Amount of patients that had their first appointment within the date range (excluding cancelled appointments).

Patient Visit Average:
Total Appointments divided by Total New Patients within the date range.

Active Appointments:
Amount of patients that you have had active appointments with within the date range (excluding cancelled appointments).

Cancelled Appointments:
Amount of cancelled/missed appointments within the date range (excluding deleted appointments).

Total Uncharted Appointments:
Total Appointments without a chart attached.

Total Charts In Progress:
Total # of Charts that have not yet been completed.

Total amount of all your invoices.

Schedule Utilization Rate:
Total Available Hours / Total Scheduled Hours
Total Available Hours are based on your profile's Availability for the date range.
Total Scheduled Hours are based on your appointment durations totaled within the date range.

Note 'Sales/Revenue' stats will display only if the Practitioner's User Type has Transaction Information permitted.



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