Clinic Summary Report

  • Updated

This report displays a clinic overview with this specific data

Gather a high-level summary of all key business indices including receivables, attendance, assessments, patient flow, collections, and unbilled services.



where-sm.pngWhere is it?

Start by navigating to Invoice-Icon.png Reports.

Under the Sales heading, select Clinic Summary.


complete-sm.pngEnter in the details

Complete the Report Parameters in the available fields.


Parameters Explained

Click here for more about what each field represents.

Select the clinic (if in a multi-clinic setting)

Practitioner Leave this setting to All or condense the report to an individual practitioner's details.
Start/End Date
Enter the date range for the report

sample-sm.pngReport Sample:

Click on the image to view a larger sample of the excel output.


Columns & Calculations

Click here for more about what each field represents.
  • Week Ending - The last Sunday of every week *
  • Total Revenue - Total of invoiced amounts
  • Payment Received - Total of payments received (not including overpayments)
  • Unbilled Appts - # of open, arrived or completed
  • Credits - Total amount of credits
  • Third-Party Group MVA Assignment AR - 'MVA' third-party group Receivables
  • Third-Party Group MVA Assignment AR +60 Days - 'MVA' AR over 60days
  • Third-Party Group MVA Assignment AR +90 Days - 'MVA' AR over 90days
  • Total Appointments - # of open, arrived, completed and billed
  • Appt Cancellations - # of cancelled appointments (not deleted)
  • AR Total - Total amount of receivables (All time)
  • AR 60+ - Total amount of receivables (over 60 days from date range)
  • AR 90+ - Total amount of receivables (over 90 days from date range)
  • 'Category' Sales - Each product/service category's total sales amount
  • 'Category' Assessment Sales - Each category's total sales amount
    for those items' settings that have 'Assessment' checkbox enabled

    Individual Practitioner tabs:
  • Sales - Total invoiced amounts with this practitioner
  • Assessment Sales - Total amount invoiced for those product/services'
    settings that have 'Assessment' checkbox enabled
  • Total Apts - # of open, arrived, completed and billed appointments
  • PVA - Patient Visit Average: Total appointments divided by new patients

    * or may represent the end date from the date range

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