Report : Patient Retention

  • Updated

This report displays a list of new patients with this specific data
It provides an overview of your practitioner's booking habits with the number of new patients for the practice, and whether patients are rebooking.


where-sm.pngWhere is it?

Start by navigating to Invoice-Icon.png Reports.

Under the Statistics heading, select Patient Retention.


complete-sm.pngEnter in the details

Complete the Report Parameters in the available fields.


Parameters Explained

Click here for more about what each field represents.

Select the clinic (if in a multi-clinic setting)

Practitioner Leave this setting to All or condense the report to an individual practitioner's details.
Start/End Date
Enter the date range for the report

sample-sm.pngReport Sample:

Click on the image to view a larger sample of the excel output.


Columns & Calculations

Click here for more about what each field represents.
  • Practitioner - Treating practitioner of the patient's appointments
  • New Patients - Patients that had their first Appointment* within the date range
  • % Patient Rebook - Percent of patients seen for follow-ups within the date range
  • % Patient Rebook (Same Practitioner) - Percent of patients seen for follow-ups with the practitioner used to run the report, within the date range
  • Returning Patients - Patients with follow-up Appointments* within the date range
  • Total Patients - (New Patients + Returning Patients)
  • Total Appointments - Total number of appointments* had within the date range
  • % Returning Visits  - (Total Appointments - New Patients) / Total Appointments
  • % Repeat Visits - (Total Appointments - Total Patients) / Total Appointments

    * Appointments do not include Cancelled, Dismissed or Deleted statuses


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