Using Juvonno & Physitrack Together

  • Updated

Once your integration is complete, you can access Physitrack from the Patient Profile or right from a scheduled appointment.

Did you know: Juvonno users can receive an exclusive discounted rate on their Physitrack subscription?
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How to access Physitrack from the Patient Profile

Simply go into your patient’s profile in Juvonno and click the dropdown menu next to the Save button. Then select Open in Physitrack.


This will take you directly to Physitrack where you can start building a program, view current/past programs for the patient, or start a video call.





How to access Physitrack from the Schedule

Any appointment scheduled as a Telehealth Physitrack Visit Type will have their menu include links to Open in Physitrack and Send Session Email.




Uploading Outcome Measures into a Patient’s chart

If you are wanting to upload these into your patient’s charts you will need to log into Physitrack to save the Outcomes and Outcome Measure Results as a PDF. Click Here to learn how to export your Outcome Measures from Physitrack. 
Once downloaded, you can upload these into your Patient Profile's Documents in Juvonno for easy access.



What Patient information is sent to Physitrack?

You might be asking what patient information is sent to Physitrack. The following patient fields are sent over:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Birth Year



Physitrack Support

For any support-related questions or requests for a free online tutorial users can email the Physitrack support team at

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