• Updated

This article contains a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding JComm.

Deciding on a Subscription

What is the cost of JComm?

Our goal is to make JComm affordable for clinics of any size. Therefore we offer three flexible pricing plans to choose from. Each plan is available as an add-on to your Juvonno subscription. Subscriptions start at $20 per month ($0.025 per text message sent or received), with messaging rates decreasing based on message volume. Invoices are emailed monthly, and you can make changes at any time. Learn more about all of JComm's powerful features!

**Note! As of June 9, 2022, JComm Team Messaging comes bundled with JComm Patient Messaging.



Can I also send text (SMS) messages with JComm?

Yes, Text 1-on-1 with patients and/or create a mass SMS campaign as either a one-time message or an ongoing automated message. Learn how to text with your patients 1-on-1 in this help article here

Before Creating a Campaign

How long will it take for a campaign to start running?

Campaigns start running depending on their start date, and as long as they are Active. The JComm Start Time and End Time settings in your account will set a time frame of when messages are permitted to be sent.

i.e. If a system has its End Time set at 4:00 pm and a custom-date campaign is created for today's date at 4:15 pm then nothing will be sent until the next day (and if their End Date is set to today as well, nothing will ever get sent).

The campaign will attempt sending every 30 minutes within the Start/End time.


How to set the start and end time that campaigns run?

Go to Settings > General > JComm > Time Settings > Start Time / End Time


Can patients reply to mass email/text (SMS) campaigns?

Yes, replies are logged in Communications > Text Messages and the Patient Chat module.


Can I create campaigns for patients based on an item they’ve purchased?

Yes, the easiest way to do this is by using the Post-Treatment Advice template. Otherwise, you can start from scratch and create a custom campaign with the Invoiced Item trigger.


What is the full list of message triggers?

Triggers are actions that must take place to send out a message. Here are the various triggers you can use with your campaign.


Note: Certain triggers are restricted to the template selected.

1) Appointment
These triggers are based on patient appointments. Select if it's based on the first appointment, every appointment or the last appointment as of 30, 60, 90 or over 90 days ago.

2) Balance Owing
This is based on a patient's receivable after a specified amount of days pass

3) Cancellation
This is based on any patient's cancelled appointments that do not have future appointments scheduled.

4) Custom Date
This option allows for a custom date to be entered to send on.

5) Date of Birth
This is based on the patient profile's date of birth.

6) Insurance Reset Date
This is based on the patient profile's insurance's reset date.

7) Invoiced Item
This option provides a type-to-search field to indicate which product/service being invoiced is applicable to this message.

8) New Patient Profile Creation
This is based on a new patient profile being created.


Creating a Campaign

Can Patients Reply to Emails?

Yes, any replies made will be forwarded to the Company's email. This can be modified within the Campaign's editor if preferred in the Reply-to field.:



Which email address is used to send out campaigns?

The company's email address is set as the sender. This can be modified within the Campaign's editor if preferred in the Reply-to field.:



Which email address will appear in the ‘sent from’ field in my email campaigns?

The company's email address is set as the sender and can be overwritten within the Campaign Editor’s Reply-To field if preferred.



Which phone number is used in the ‘sent from’ field on text messages?

The phone number used to send/receive text messages is designated by a third-party integration service when the system is initially created. This is an individual unique phone number per Juvonno system. Send yourself a sample message from JComm to see the unique number assigned to your clinic.


Which phone number field is used to send text message campaigns?

A patient profile's Cell phone field is the only field used to send texts with JComm. 


How to insert/edit an image in a Campaign?

Any image found online (with a direct URL) can be used in your campaign. 

Select Upload Image.  Then click on the Image Icon as shown below.



Select Upload located under the General heading  as shown in the image below. mceclip0.png

(Optional) Lastly, adjust the Dimensions (width/height) by preference.

TIP: For Mobile-conscious campaigns, a typical width is between 300-400px.

With the Constrain proportions checkbox selected, the image will stretch or skew with its original aspect ratio (recommended).

Select Ok to view your image in your Campaign's email content section


How to upload an animated GIF for use in a JComm Email Campaign?

If your GIF is locally stored (on your computer) you will first need to upload it online. While there are a variety of free hosting solutions online, we recommend Imgur.

1) Follow this link to upload your image.

2) Select Choose Photo/Video to locate and select the GIF you would like to upload:


3) Set your uploaded image as Hidden:


4) Close the 'Here's your link!' pop-up window:
(The link provided here will not work for these purposes.)


5) Right-click on your image and select Copy image address:


6) In Juvonno, enter your campaign and select Insert/edit image:


7) Paste your URL (image address) into the Source field:


8) (Optional) Lastly, adjust the Dimensions (width/height) by preference.

TIP: A typical width between 300-400 px is most popular.

With the Constrain proportions checkbox selected, the image will stretch or skew with its original aspect ratio (recommended).

9) Select Ok to view your GIF in your Campaign's email content section.


What is considered as 'All Subscribed Patients'?

Any Active patient (based on their profile's status) that is subscribed to receive JComm messages is included in the All Subscribed Patients ( the default patient list) that campaigns are set with.


Why am I not seeing any Audience Queue results with my campaign?

The Audience Queue functionality simulates a date and provides the results that would be sent on that date. If you are not seeing results, check your Trigger and Send On settings to ensure you have a correct date to preview.

i.e. If your Trigger is set to Last Appointment 30 days ago, and your Send On is set to Day After, your Queue date (i.e. left as the present date) will result with all patients that have not had an appointment 31 days ago.

Another example is when using the Patient List. If you have a patient list created with a default clinic filter and using this list to create a campaign that only targets the patients of a single clinic - you may not see the queue results you expect if the patient(s) are not assigned with a default clinic in their profile.


How can I send myself a sample of the text/email campaign?

Using the Send a Sample Message option within the Campaign Overview, you can enter in your own email or cell phone number (depending on which type the campaign is set to). You will then receive an instant email or text with a sample of the message. This option will only appear after you've Saved the campaign.


After a Campaign is Live

How can I see which Campaign messages have errors?

To see error details, from the Campaign Overview page, select View Report beside the campaign.

Then filter the results by Status, such as Missing Recipient to find those messages that were not sent due to missing email addresses or cell phone numbers (depending on the type of campaign).


How can I see which user made changes to a campaign'?

Every campaign has a log of changes made to it:



How to view which user edited a profile's subscription setting?

Changes made to the subscription settings are logged in Patient Profile > History > Changes 

You will find either the user's name that made the edit or a reference that the patient had made the change.


What does Pending mean?

Pending is a status given to any message that wasn't sent within the JComm Start/End time settings and the Send and End date of the campaign.


How long does it take for Pending to resolve?

The next day's start time will try sending out any pending from the night before, unless the campaign has been since inactivated or the end date was reached.


How can I delete/archive a campaign?

Select the menu next to a campaign, then select Archive Campaign:


Archived campaigns can be viewed for reference by using the dashboard's filters.




How do I check how many messages I've used in a month?

To see how many messages have been sent, select JComm and you'll see the Sent. You can also change the time period by using the dropdown menu at the top of the page

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