Here’s a list of Juvonno’s most-asked-about privacy and security features:
Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions
When you open an account with Juvonno, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. These documents represent our agreement with you on how Juvonno will properly handle the health information for which you are the custodian.
Encryption & Secure Data Transfer
Anytime you transfer data from your computer to Juvonno, the information is encrypted with the same level of security as your bank uses to transfer information.
Service Level Agreement - 99.99%
Juvonno's data servers have a 99.99% SLA, ensuring the best availability for business applications.
Zero Credit Card Data in Juvonno
Juvonno never stores a client’s plain credit card information directly on Juvonno’s servers. When you enter a credit card in Juvonno, Juvonno instantly transfers that data to one of our payment processing partners through encrypted transfer. Our PCI-compliant payment processing partners store that information for Juvonno. The default behavior of these partners is to store the credit card information so that refunds can be processed.
Our partners for payments have been very carefully chosen, and they use the same 128-bit encryption as the big banks around the world. They send Juvonno back an encrypted key (a token) which represents the credit card so that Juvonno can continue to bill against that card if the customer wishes, but note that this token can’t be used outside of Juvonno. The only information that Juvonno stores about the credit card are the last 4 digits and the expiration date so that the customer will know which card they gave you.
More info here: Is Juvonno PCI-Compliant?
Account Owner Control
Account owners can control access permissions for each user, which includes control of accessing patient charts, billing records, and schedule records.
Read more here: User Types
Unique User ID & Password Required
Administrators, practitioners and patients each access Juvonno using their own account secured by a unique User ID and Password. Account owners can control access permissions for each user, which includes control of accessing patient charts, billing records, and schedule records.
Activity Tracking
Juvonno offers the Login History Report to account owners in which they can see a breakdown of all user activity. The report can be filtered by date range and/or patient for regular reviews on who is accessing patient charts.
Communication Log
The Communication section, found in the main sidebar menu, will provide a log of all of the emails and text messages delivered from Juvonno. You can come here to verify what was sent, when it was triggered to go out, and how successful Juvonno was at delivering that message.
Practitioners' Ability to view other staff's Charts
Practitioners can be provided access to other practitioner's charts with Charting Privacy Options.
Sign-Out & Sign-Back-In
Easy sign-out and sign-back-in for secure use on shared devices.
Session Timeout (Auto Log-Out)
To further protect patient information on a computer that maybe accessed by multiple staff members, Juvonno provides the option to ask for a password after an account has been inactive for some time (between 5-180 minutes).
Check out our guide doc here for more information.
Simple Password Reset
Fast password resetting from main login page so staff can keep passwords fresh (and more secure).
Controlled Chart Export
To act in the best interests of protecting data, you’ll want to limit the amount of health information that gets exported. When exporting charts to PDF, you can reduce which entries are included by just a specific practitioner, or individually select which chart to export.
Options for Merging Patient Profiles
If you have created two patient profiles for a single patient by accident, read on how to Merge Patients.
EU clinics, if you’re worried about GDPR’s Right to Erasure, GDPR is clear, the Right to Erasure is not absolute, and where heath records are concerned, clinics handling health records will need to follow the recommendations of the licensing or regulating organization for their profession in their region of practice.
Consent Forms
Not all clinics need consent to collect and process data. Clinics in the EU, for example, should read our Guide: GDPR Consent Rules.
Within Canada, however, clinics often need consent to collect and process data. When this is the case, you can use the Intake Forms function to set up an electronic consent form for your client to complete.
Lock & Timestamp Charts
Many regulating bodies require that changes to clinical records must be recorded, dated, and initialed. After a session is over, the practitioner will lock the chart. Once locked, the information in that chart and the timestamp are unchangeable.
Circumstances sometimes arise where a practitioner needs to adjust something in a chart after it was signed. Charting standards require practitioners who make changes to charts be clearly identified. In paper charts this meant no white out (remember white out?), and electronically it means that the original entry needs to still be legible even after changes are made. Should a chart from your clinic ever come into question or become an item in a legal proceeding, Juvonno helps you stay protected.
In these cases, Juvonno allows a practitioner to add a dated Amendment to a chart. Amendments, once saved, also become a permanent and un-editable component of the chart. While you can add multiple Amendments if you need to make even more changes, each saved and signed Amendment functions like a saved and signed chart entry: it is locked and cannot be altered.
Schedule's Charting Tab
Juvonno helps practitioner remember which of their appointments have charts outstanding right from the Schedule's Charting tab. Select any of those appointments to create a patient’s chart.
Charting Made Simple
Properly protecting health information starts with having the tools you need to accurately capture all of the details of your interactions with clients/patients. Juvonno allows you to record each interaction with a client/patient. This is whether it’s an in-person session or a telephone conversation.
Appointments are recorded and stored in your schedule, and for each appointment, you have the option of attaching a detailed set of clinical notes or merely adding a simple clinical note that records the exchange. With Juvonno, you can easily record date, length of the meeting/conversation/interaction, who was there, and notes on the substance of the meeting. The key here will be taking the time to set up custom chart templates for your practice in a way that makes sense for your personal workflow and prompts you to record all of the appropriate information.
Opting Out of Email & Text Appointment Reminders
Juvonno’s text message and email reminders are treated with security and privacy of these messages is crucial. If a patient doesn’t want these messages, they can opt out directly from the email or a staff member can remove them using the patient profile.