Juvonno and Meeting the Privacy Standards of BCACC

  • Updated

Juvonno helps RCCs meet BC Association of Clinical Counsellors' privacy and data protection standards by providing the following:

  • 1 - Consent forms
  • 2 - Clinical records and charts/notes
  • 3 - Clinical reports
  • 4 - Email & text messages
  • 5 - Data protection & security

In Juvonno, you can use the Intake Forms function to set up an electronic consent form that can be emailed to your client.

BCACC recommends that you have one general consent form to present to each client before the first session. This form should collect informed consent for two items:

1 - Consent for counselling services

2 - Consent for the collection, use and disclosure of a client’s personal information.

The intake form feature is part of Juvonno’s Custom Intake/Chart Builder feature. 


Agreement to Pay

BCACC requires counselors obtain agreement to pay for services. Be sure to include a method on your consent forms to address payment.


Health Intake Form

In addition to consent forms, you’ll be able to set up and send a separate form that is an actual Intake Form where you can ask more health-related questions. Your practice’s form template area in Settings > Intake Form & Chart Templates will hold consent and intake forms together. 


Navigate to the patient's profile, and under Intake, you will choose which form you want to share with this patient in their patient portal. Select Administer Intake Forms to assign the appropriate forms to the patient.


2) Clinical Records

Chart Parts

Once you have the appropriate consents, Juvonno can help you keep compliant clinical records and notes. Back to that Chart Template feature discussed above, Juvonno allows you to build your clinical record or “Chart” structure with plenty of options so the workflow ends up being natural for you.

This way, you can choose the format you will use to record the information required by BCACC in your records, but the structure will be there each time you open a chart for a new session with a client.

Lock and Timestamp Charts

BCACC is also specific to note that changes to clinical records must be recorded, dated, and initialed. After a session is over, the practitioner will lock the chart. Once locked, the information in that chart and the timestamp are unchangeable.

Charts & PIPA BC

If you’re interested in some more information on Juvonno’s compliance with PIPA BC for charting, have a look at this: How to Digitally Sign a Chart & Chart Locking.

3) Clinical Counselling Reports

At times, you may be requested to write custody and access reports or clinical assessments for personal injury claims or workers’s comp. BCACC provides highly detailed guidance on the content of these reports, but they also suggest that in order to efficiently produce reports, practitioners should keep meticulous records of all contact with patients.

Juvonno allows you to record each interaction, whether it’s an in-person session or a telephone conversation. Appointments are recorded and stored in your schedule, and for each appointment, you have the option of attaching a detailed set of clinical notes or merely adding a simple clinical note that records the exchange.

With Juvonno, you can easily record date, length of the meeting/conversation/interaction, who was there, notes on the substance of the meeting, and you can even distinguish between information that was provided by the patient and your own clinical observations. The key here will be taking the time to set up your practice in a way that makes sense for your personal workflow and prompts you to record all of the appropriate information. 


4) Email & Text Appointment Reminders

Juvonno’s text message and email reminders are treated with security and privacy of these messages is crucial. If a patient doesn’t want these messages, they can opt out directly from the email or a staff member can remove them using the patient profile.

5) Security

Juvonno was built to keep confidential information secure:

  • Anytime you transfer data from your computer to Juvonno, the information is encrypted with the same level of security as your bank uses to transfer information.

  • Juvonno also allows you to set permissions for all user accounts using User Types. So if you only want certain staff in your clinic to have access to clinical records, for instance, you can adjust your settings to put those limitations in place.

  • Privacy Compliance for Clinics in British Columbia offers an introduction to privacy law in BC as well as some steps clinics can take to be compliant.

  • Security FAQ explains the physical, technical, and organizational controls available with Juvonno.

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