Quickly and securely share uploaded documents with your patients via the Patient Portal. This article will walk you through How to Add a Patient's Document to the Patient Portal.
Uploading a New Document
Step 1: Navigate to the Documents tab
Inside the Patient Profile then select the Documents tab
Step 2: Upload the Document
Select New Document
Then inside the pop-up window, select Choose File to upload the file from your computer
Inside the same window, enter a File Name then, if applicable, you can select a Category, Complaint, Status, and Description then Save
Step 3: Grant Portal Access
To grant portal access to a document, select the button under Visible in Portal
The Document has now been uploaded document and will be visible to the patient inside the Patient Portal in the Documents page and can be download
Granting Access to a System Document
System Documents are uploaded documents that can be accessed and used by any member of your team such as templated client forms, lab requisitions, and more.
Step 1: Navigate to the Documents tab
Inside the Patient Profile then select the Documents tab
Step 2: Finding the Document
Select Grant Portal Access
From here, you can search for the document by entering the Name or selecting a Category then press Search
Step 3: Granting Portal Access
Grant access to the documents by selecting Grant beside the document's name
Once it's access has been granted, close the pop-up and Apply Changes or Save & Exit
The selected document will now be visible to the patient inside the Patient Portal in the Documents page and can be download