Settings: Stat Holidays

  • Updated

Stat Holidays are manually created to remove days being available to schedule appointments.


Notes If using the Programs feature, ensure you have entered all your stat holidays before
creating scheduled programs.
  If using the Programs feature, ensure you have entered all your stat holidays before
creating scheduled programs.
  Stat Holidays will also remove availability for Patient Portal booking
  If you do not see this option under Settings, it's because the User Type assigned to your profile does not have the option set to Granted. Have a Head Admin or Owner of the clinic update your User type. You will then have to log out of your profile and back in to see the update.


Start by navigating to Settings.

Under the Schedule and Holidays section, select Stat Holidays.


Any existing Stat Holidays will appear listed based on the Filter setting.



To create a new date, select Add Stat Holiday.


Enter in a Name (i.e. Christmas Day), select the Date and choose whether or not the Office will be closed. then select Save.

Note Select the icon next to the Stat Holiday to edit or delete the entry.


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