This article outlines how to export your data from OutSmartEMR (formerly SmartND). Once you've successfully exported your data, you can begin to prepare it for import to Juvonno.
*Note: These instructions were created using information gathered from the software vendor and its publicly available resources. This information may differ from the exact exportation process. If you experience any difficulties exporting your data, please contact your software vendor directly. |
Data that can be exported from OutSmart EMR for import to Juvonno
Staff | Products & Services | Patient Demographics | Third-Party Companies | Patient Insurance Profiles | Appointments | Transactions | Receivables |
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How To Export Patients from OutSmart EMR
Open the main Navigation Menu and select Reports.
From the drop-down lists at the top of the Reports page, select Patient, and then choose the Patient List Report.
Use the available options to configure your report. To export your report, click on the CSV button at the top of the page to produce a file that you can open in Excel.
To learn more, click here.
How To Export Appointments from OutSmart EMR
Currently, OutSmart EMR does not batch export appointments. You will need to manually transfer the appointments into Juvonno.
How To Export Charts From OutSmart EMR
Currently, OutSmart EMR does not batch export charts. To export charts, you will need to contact OutSmart EMR directly and convert them to a (.csv) file.
How To Export Inventory from SmartND
Open the Main Navigation Menu and select Reports.
From the drop-down lists at the top of the Reports page, select Financial, then Dispensary, and then Item List Report.
Use the available options to configure your report.
How To Create a Custom Report
Use the custom report builder to extrapolate more information from your OutSmart EMR system.
To learn more, click here.
For full details on how to Export Data from OutSmart EMR, please contact your vendor directly. |