1. Deleting a Product & Service
If you delete an item you are still able to create a report that includes the item.
The Comprehensive Sales Report allows you to "Filter" your search by Department, Category or Product & Service.
A suggestion would be if you are going to delete a Product & Service item that you edit the "Name" field and add "Deleted" so that when you are creating the report you clearly see what is active and what is deleted. You could also add the date to the Name for further clarity.
Go to Settings>Product & Services
Click the icon to the left of the item and select Delete.
2. Moving a Product & Service item to another category
You are able to move an item from 1 category to another.
Go to Settings>Products & Services>Products and Services Categories
Click the icon to the left of the item and select Delete.
You will get a pop up allowing you to select the Category you want.
Example: Moving the Product & Service Category "Programs" from the Program category to the "Services" category.