Report : Clinic Statistics

  • Updated

This report displays a list of new patients with this specific data
Utilize it to gather various appointment and sales stats by clinic and practitioner.


where-sm.pngWhere is it?

Start by navigating to Invoice-Icon.png Reports.

Under the Statistics heading, select Clinic Statistics.


complete-sm.pngEnter in the details

Complete the Report Parameters in the available fields.


Parameters Explained

Click here for more about what each field represents.

Select the clinic (if in a multi-clinic setting)

Practitioners Leave this setting to All or condense the report to an individual practitioner.
Start/End Date
Enter the date range for the report

sample-sm.pngReport Sample:

Click on the image to view a larger sample of the excel output.


Columns & Calculations

Click here for more about what each field represents.
  • Clinic - the location whereby the product or service was billed to
  • Practitioner - the practitioner associated with the appointments
  • Total Appointments - the total completed appointments booked for the practitioner
  • Total Missed/Cancelled Appointments - based on the practitioner
  • Total New Patients - the total new profiles created within the date period
  • Total Sales - the total amount of sales made with invoices involving each practitioner
  • Payments Received  - the total amount of payments received within this timeframe
  • A/R - the outstanding amounts within this timeframe (Total Sales - Payments Received)
  • Total Referrals - new patients within the time frame with their default practitioner set
  • PVA - Total Appointments divided by Total New Patients within the date period


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