How to Set up and Use the Quick Patient Creation

  • Updated

The Quick Patient Creation option allows you to create a basic profile to get started then go back and complete the full details at a later date or allow the patient to log into the Patient Portal and complete their patient portal profile online which populates the information to their profile. This article will show you How to Set up and Use the Quick Patient Creation


Set these options to either display or hide the corresponding fields in the Quick Patient Creation form. Those labelled 'Required' will prevent a patient from being added without these fields filled.


The Quick Patient Creation form is located within the Appointment booking window. Press the down arrow button  button.png located at the end of the name field and select New from the dropdown menu




Note Referral Fields are populated from Settings, Referral Types you have added in. If you have set this field to 'Mandatory' it also sets the Patient General Page Referral Field to Mandatory.

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