How to Use the Patient Loyalty Program

  • Updated


To enable the Loyalty Points Program navigate to Settings>System & Company Settings section> General>Advanced section>Loyalty Points, enable then Save.


Then go to Accounting>Loyalty Program and ensure you have the correct redemption value. This is what the point is worth per dollar. In this case $100 will be worth $5.00 upon redemption which is 5%.


You can use the Expired after # of Days field to set an expiry then scroll to the bottom of the page and Save.


Then go to Settings, Product Departments or Categories and select which department or Category you want the loyalty points to apply to and enter the Dollars per point.


In the example below I went into the Department and set the amount.

The patient will get $1.00 per point with a $0.05 redemption value.


When completing and invoicing the patient will accumulate points.

To use the points book an appointment on the schedule using a service that is attached to loyalty points.

After you complete and invoice you can open the patient profile, click on their Loyalty Program tab and you will see the purchases and redemptions with the amount of points.



To apply the points towards a purchase, when completing and invoicing, under Paid By field select Loyalty Points.  You will see the Points total and redemption value, the points to redeem and the Payment amount.


Scroll to the bottom of the page and beside the "View Invoice &" select the down arrow and select "New Payment &" .




Then select Apply.


Note You can also set the redemption value in the product & service item.



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