Learn the basics on all things Charting-related.
How to Create a New Chart
While logged in as a Practitioner, your default landing page should be My Dashboard, a one-stop shop for managing your work day. From a single screen, you have access to your day’s schedule, appointment details, and past charts.
Note: If the Dashboard isn't your default landing page, you can change this in your Profile under the Preferences tab |
From inside your Dashboard, you can create a new chart from the follow locations:
Appointment Details
From inside the Appointment Details you'll have the option to Add Chart
The Charting Tab
Here you will find a complete filterable list of all of your charts and any uncharted appointments. Select the button then New Chart beside any uncharted appointment.
Once a chart is started, it will be stored as In Progress until you select completed or lock the chart. You will be able to delete the chart until it is Locked.
How to Continue a Chart In Progress
From inside your Dashboard, you can continue charting from the follow locations:
Appointment Details
From inside the Appointment Details you'll have the option to Continue Chart if you have a chart is already in progress for that patient
The Charting Tab
Here you will find a complete filterable list of all of your charts and any uncharted appointments. Select the button then Continue beside any In Progress chart
Once the chart is open select Continue Chart
Charting Key Features
While charting, there are a few key features you can add to enhance and simplify the experience. These features include the following:
While charting, your chart will auto-save each time you click outside of the Notes section or another text box. You'll know the Auto-Save is working when you see this notice on screen
Important: The Auto-Save does NOT work with drawings or signatures. If you're using these features, you must click into and out of a text field in order for the Auto-Save to activate. |
Rich Text
The Notes section of your charts have Rich Text enabled allowing you to bold, italicize, underline and change the color of any text
Auto Phrases allow you to automatically populate your most commonly used phrases directly into your charts with one click. Do so by using the Chart Notes dropdown menu
Learn How to Create Chart Note Templates and Use Auto Phrases when Charting
Pain Scale
Inside any chart, you can set the patients Pain Scale using the dropdown menu
Medical Warnings & Complaints
Under the Medical Warnings tab, you're able to view or add Medical Warnings or Complaints.
How do I Save and Complete my Chart
To save any chart, select Complete & Close. Doing so will allow you to come back later to finish the chart or make any additional edits. The chart will remain In Progress until you Lock the chart.
To Lock a chart, select the checkbox beside Lock Chart then select Complete & Close. Doing this will lock the chart from any further edits but still allows you to leave additional notes if needed.
Tip |
Each edited chart that has been Completed will create a new version. The most recent version will be defaulted as the current version and will be selected when exporting to PDF. |
How to Delete a Chart
Inside the Charts section of My Day, the Patients charts will appear listed. Click the down arrow beside any chart and select Delete Version In-Progress
Or if the chart is Completed, select Delete Chart
Chart Status Details
See below an overview of all possible Chart Statuses:
In Progress |
Completed |
Once a user selects 'Complete & Close' on a chart, it will be saved as 'Completed'. |
Completed & In Progress |
If a Completed chart has been edited, and has not again been 'Completed', it will be saved In Progress with the new edits. At this point the user can delete these edits to revert back to its previous state, or it can be 'Completed' to set the status that way. |
Locked |
To secure the chart and prevent any further edits, a chart can be Locked. |
Additional Notes
The autosave function does not work for the Drawing Canvas. The only method to save edits made to the drawing canvas is with the 'Complete & Close' option. |
Only appointments in arrived and later statuses that are scheduled with the practitioner will display in their Charting Tab. |
The 'Copy from Last Chart' function will only work for the same chart template. It will be based on the most recent chart completed for the same patient and complaint (if complaints are in use). If you are using custom charts and edits have been made to the template you cannot copy template data from past chart versions. Going forward with the latest version of the template, will allow the use of this function. |
The 'Copy from Last Chart' function does not apply to the Notes tab. |
The most recent Practitioner to complete a chart will be assigned the author. Any users that make edits to the chart are noted next to their chart date version. |