Part 3: The Patient Portal

  • Updated

Your Patient Portal will allow your patients to book appointments, pay invoices, complete intake forms, and so much more. In this article, you'll learn how to setup your Patient Portal and learn about the customization options available.

*Note: We recommend you do not change any settings that have not been covered in this article to prevent turning off vital features.


How to Link the Patient Portal to Your Website

Provide your clinic website designer/administrator with your Portal URL so they can directly link the Patient Portal from a 'book appointment' button on your website.

Your portal url is your clinic url with a plogin.php at the end of it, example


Learn more about the process to link your website or social media to the Portal here


Tip: Create a test patient and log in to view the custom text areas you have
set up and experience the Patient Portal to provide guidance for new patients.

There are 2 main ways to locate your Patient Portal URL:


1. Take me there Link

From the Juvonno login page select the Looking for the patient portal? Take me there link.



In the top left corner of the page in the URL address bar you will see your portal url.


2. In your System & Company Settings

You can also get the URL by navigating to System & Company Settings>General>Portal>General Section




How to Allow Patient Portal Bookings for Your Clinic

To allow patients to book appointments at your clinic via the Patient Portal, follow these steps.


Step 1

Inside Settings under System & Company Settings, select Clinics.



Step 2

Select Open next to your clinic name.



Step 3

Under Details, set Book in Portal to Yes using the dropdown menu.


How to Activate your Clinics Patient Portal

To activate your Patient Portal, go to Settings>System & Company Settings Section>General>Portal. Under General set Enabled to Yes using the dropdown menu.


***Important: Before permanently enabling, ensure you have edited the portal custom content and are ready for patients to receive the portal URL. Email Notifications and Reminders will automatically populate the portal link.



Tip: You can temporarily enable the portal when you want to log in as a test patient to view what the custom content looks like during the editing process.


How to Set up Your Patient Portal

In this section, you will learn more about each section inside the Portal settings and which customization options are available.

Note: Each section title includes the timestamp for that respective section in the video above.

We strongly recommend watching the entire video before starting


1. General (0:00)

Your General settings will control things like who can access your Patient Portal and any information required before being allowed to book and appointment.


Learn more about the individual fields

This must be set to 'Yes' in order to enable the Patient Portal.

Allow Public Signup

Enable a patient without a profile created by the clinic to add themselves in and book an appointment.

Medical Profile

Enable the Medical Profile to be completed and viewed by the patient.

Mandatory Referral Type

Toggles the Referral Type field of the patient signup to mandatory.

General Practitioner

During signup, this will require a patient to enter in their General Practitioner's name.

Date of Birth

During signup, this will require a patient to enter in their date of birth.

Mandatory Phone

Toggle the Phone field of the patient signing up to mandatory. It will appear in the Cell field on their profile.

Mandatory Gender

Toggles the Gender field of the patient signing up to mandatory.

Mandatory Intake Form

Prevents the patient from booking appointments in the portal if they have not completed custom intake forms requested by the clinic.

Intake Form Completion Notification

Enable this to have the clinic receive an email when an intake form is completed or updated.

Medical Profile Completion Notification

Enabled - the clinic will receive an email when the patient updates their Medical Profile.

Uploaded Document Notification

Enabled - the clinic will receive an email when the patient uploads a document to their portal profile.

Portal Signup Notification

Enabled - the clinic will receive an email when a new patient signs up on the portal.

Portal Signup Email Address

The email address entered here will receive notifications of new patients registering in the portal.

Portal Signup 18 yrs and older

Enabled - prevents patients under 18 years of age from signing up on the portal.

Display Practitioner Credentials

Enabled - shows the practitioner credentials in the portal below their name.

Display Product & Services Pricing

Shows or hides the price of a Product & Service item in the portal.

Portal Practitioner Display Order

Allows you to select the order Practitioners show in the portal.

Portal Login URL

This is an assigned link of your patient portal.

Portal E-Gift Cards

Shows/Hides the E-Gift Cards tab on the portal. You must have the Stripe Payment gateway enabled to use this feature.

Portal E-Gift Cards direct link

This link only works if the Portal E-Gift Cards are enabled.


Select the default language to appear on the portal.

Language Selection Menu

Shows/Hides the language selection menu on the portal.


2. Scheduling (3:26)

Scheduling settings allow you to control most aspects of appointment booking such as whether or not you allow public bookings, hours prior to cancel an appointment, and more.


Learn more about the individual fields
Slot Availability

Enable this to only allow booking from the portal during specified times.
The 'Portal Schedule' is modified in a Practitioner's Standard Availability.

Public Appointment Booking

Enable a patient to book an appointment without creating a profile.

Auto-Accept Portal Appointments

Enable patient-booked appointments to be accepted automatically.

Otherwise, bookings are treated as 'requests' and must be accepted by the clinic before appointments are confirmed. Pending appointments appear in a Pending tab on the clinic's schedule.

Pending Appointment Email Address

Enter an email to receive notifications when appointment booking requests are created.

Apply Default Insurance

Enable this to have patient-booked appointments apply to their default insurance set in their profile. As insurance records can only be added by the clinic, this function will not apply to 'public' patients.

Hours/Days Prior to Book

This sets the number of hours prior to an available appointment that a patient can book an appointment through the portal.

Hours/Days Prior to Cancel

This sets the number of hours/days prior to a booked appointment that a patient can cancel through the portal.

Days Allowed to Schedule into the future

  Sets the number of days a patient can schedule into the future.

Requires Credit Card entry

  Requires a credit card to book an appointment.  

Requires 3D Secure


Practitioner Gallery on Booking

Allows you to turn on or off the photos of practitioners showing in the portal.


3. Scheduling Consent (5:05)

This section allows you to control whether or not you require scheduling consent, when it's required and upload a custom consent form.


Learn more about the individual fields

This must be set to 'Yes' in order to enable the patient's consent function.

Scheduling Consent Required

Determine whether scheduling consent is required to book an appointment.

Required Every Time

Determine if every time a patient books an appointment they must confirm their scheduling consent.

Consent Text

Enter the text that will appear before an appointment is booked on the patient portal.

Consent Document

Upload a document (PDF, Word) that may contain further details regarding consent that the patient will have access to view.


4. Messages (5:46)

This section allow you to customize the content (Text & Images) displayed to patients inside the Portal.


Learn more about the individual fields
Appointment Booking Message

* 2019 Patient Portal upgrade does not require this field to be entered.

Portal Login
Page Message

Enter the text that will appear before a patient logs in or signs up.

Secure Home
Page Message

Enter the text that will appear on the home page of a patient's portal (once logged in).

Public Book
Thank You Message

Enter the text that will appear once a patient (that does not have a profile created) books an appointment.

Secure Book
Thank You Message

Enter the text that will appear once a patient (that has a patient profile) books an appointment.

Intake Form Request Message

   This message is sent with the custom intake forms that are emailed to

    the patient.


5. Portal Profile (7:12)

Select which of these fields you want to set to "Yes" "No" or "Mandatory".  The data in these fields auto-populates to the Patient Profile inside your Juvonno system.




6. Portal Signup Emails (7:27)

This section allows you to customize the content in both the Patient Portal Confirmation and Patient Portal Invitation emails.


Learn more about the individual fields
Patient Portal Confirmation

This is the email sent out to the patient after signing up on your Patient Portal to confirm account creation.

Patient Portal Invitation

This email can be sent to the patient with a link to the patient portal to invite them to signup for the Patient Portal. The link is valid for 3 days.


7. Portal Style

These settings allow you to customize the colour scheme of your portal and displays previews of how these elements will appear.


Tip: If you have a brand style guide or brand colours, be sure to incorporate them in either your button or link colours.


8. Toolbar (8:06)

This section allows you to customize which menu options appear in your Patient Portal's Nav bar.


Learn more about the individual fields
Book an Appointment

Select whether or not the 'Book an Appointment' tab appears within the patient portal. Note: Patients will still be able to book appointments with other available links.


Upload documents in the patient profile and assign them to the portal for the patient to view. Patients can also upload documents that are clinic-accessible.

Medical Profile

Patients can complete the pre-built Medical Profile Health History form within Juvonno before arriving at your clinic, or give patients the ability to complete the form on a tablet when they arrive at the clinic. You are also able to create your own custom Intake Forms to show in the portal.


You can create programs for several patients to attend such as offering an exercise class or a yoga class. These programs can be displayed online for patients to register.


Select whether or not a patient's transactions are visible to the patient on their portal account.

9. Widgets (9:20)

These settings allow you to select which of the following elements are visible on your Patient Portal.


Learn more about the individual fields
Insurance Totals

Select whether or not the patient's updated insurance totals appear on their patient portal home page. NOTE: If you are using Telus this will not apply to any Telus covered insurance company, this section will apply to Private Insurance only if you are tracking it in the Patent Profile.

If you are not using Telus and tracking insurance in the Patient Profile the patient will be able to see their insurance balances in the portal.

Loyalty Point Balance

Select whether or not the patient's Loyalty Points appear on their patient portal home page.

Outstanding Invoices

Select whether or not the patient's outstanding invoices are viewable within their patient portal.

After you click Save, your customized Patient Portal will be live!


Congratulations on completing Advanced System Setup Part 3!

Continue to Advanced System Setup: Part 4

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