Part 1: Accounting | Reminders | Integrations

  • Updated

Advanced System Setup Part 1 will walk you through Juvonno's Accounting, Reminder, and Integration settings and how to customize them according to your clinic's preferences and workflows. 

Note: Many of your settings have been set to recommended defaults to simplify and optimize your system's configuration. Therefore, it is recommended you do not change settings not covered in Simple System Setup or in this article to prevent sub-optimal functionality.

Table of Contents

  1. General System Settings Location
  2. Accounting Tab
    1. General
    2. Tax
    3. Billing
    4. Invoice Template
    5. Payment Gateways
    6. Payments
    7. Commissions
    8. Clinic's Health Care Numbers
  3. Reminders & Notifications Tab
    1. Appointment Email Reminders
    2. Appointment Text Reminders
    3. Appointment Emails
    4. Invoicing Emails
    5. Portal Signup Emails
    6. Modules Tab

1. General System Settings Location

This area within Juvonno will be where you set all your system's defaults. You will learn more about the sections within this menu throughout this article.

Inside Settings under System Companies & Settings, select General



2. Accounting Tab


1) General



Learn more about the individual fields

Enter the currency for your location.

Fiscal Year End

Select the month end from the drop-down field in which you end your clinic(s) fiscal year-end.

Invoice Search
Start Date

This will set a default start date when first entering the invoice search screen. Leave this field blank to have the start date be the first day of the current month.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Hide $0.00 Receivable Invoices/Claims

The toggle setting will hide or display invoices with a total of $0.00 from the Invoice Search and Receivables results when the status is set to Receivable.

One Subscription Promotion per Patient

Patients can only have one subscription promotion assigned, regardless of promotion type (Promo code vs Subscription)


2) Tax

Learn more about the individual fields
Tax 1 Name (GST/HST)

Type GST or HST (Whichever is applicable) in tax name 1.

Tax 1 #

Enter Government Tax GST or HST # if applicable. Depending on your invoice template this may appear on patient invoices.

Tax 1  Rate (%)

If you have separate taxes charged on different items enter the percentages separately in Tax 1 Rate field and Tax 2.

Tax 2 Name (PST)

Enter the Tax for PST.
Note: If you do charge PST, leave all Tax 2 fields blank.

Tax 2 #

Enter Government Tax PST # if applicable. Depending on your invoice template this may appear on patient invoices.

Tax 2 Rate %

Enter the PST Tax rate.

Tax Exempt Selection at Checkout

This allows you to override the tax on a product & service item upon checkout.


3) Billing



Learn more about the individual fields
Edit Direct Billed Invoices

Allows you to edit invoices that have not been paid

Clinic Pricing

Allows you to select specific prices based on the Clinic when you have more than 1 location

Patient Group Pricing

Activates patient group's specific rates for select products and services.
Each product/service can have different rates set to the created groups.

Allow Product Price Changes When Billing

Allows you to edit a product or service cost when booking appointments

Allow On-the-Fly Discounts when Billing

During the checkout process add a discount to show on the invoice.

 Book New Appointment Option When Billing

Activates the option to book another appointment during checkout

 Block Billing if Patient Profile has Errors

Activates the option to prevent a patient from being billed if their profile is incomplete (according to set mandatory fields)

Allow Billing Open or Arrived Appointments

Ability to bill patients flagged as Open or Arrived.

 Appointment Checkout

* Must remain as 'Yes' in order for the booking process to work

 Re-Invoice a Billed Appointment

Allows for a billed appointment to be re-invoiced, this option will create a duplicate invoice and will require a manual void of the original.

 Quick Invoice

Activates the 'Quick Invoice' option found on the schedule's Billing tab

Edit Radiology Facility

Allows for the radiology facility to be edited during a claim


4) Invoice Template

You can customize your invoice by selecting fields you wish to be hidden or visible.






Default Invoice Template

Show Practitioners Name The practitioner name will appear on the invoice

Show Practitioner's Credentials

Show the practitioner credentials on invoices.
Show Practitioner's GST # Shows the practitioner GST number on the invoice.
Show practitioner's Digital Signature Shows the practitioners signature on the invoice.
Show Patient Credit Balance on invoices If the patient has a credit it will appear on the invoice.
Show Product/Service Description on Invoices Shows the description of the Product & Service item on the invoice.
Secondary Practitioner on Invoices If you have a secondary practitioner in a treatment and you want their name on the invoice this setting will show the secondary practitioner.
Show Upcoming Appointments on Invoices Shows patients upcoming appointments at the bottom of the invoice.
Show Clinic/Company Details Shows the Clinic "company" details.
Show invoice number Shows invoice number.
Show Clinic Fax Number Shows the Fax number.
Enable French Invoices Will print the invoice in french.
Default Summary Invoice Template This is the standard invoice template that allows you to use these options to customize your invoice.
Show Practitioner's Details Shows practitioner's information on the invoice.
Show Clinic Details on Header Shows the clinic information in the header of the invoice.


5) Payment Gateways

There are 3 integrated payment gateways you can set up to store patient credit card information and receive online payments through Juvonno:

Follow the steps below if you are using the Patient Portal and one of Juvonno's integrated payment gateways.  If you wish to store patient credit card information in Juvonno, the information will be encrypted and stored in the Patient Profile Accounting tab.


Note  Payment Gateway setup is located under Settings>System and Company Settings>Modules>Integrations>Payment Gateways and set it to enabled then Save. 




Then navigate to Settings>Accounting Section>Payment Gateways.  Select New Payment Gateway.



Enter the details for the gateway you are integrating with Stripe, Moneris or TD Bamboro and Save. 




Patient Portal Payments

To enable patients to make payments online via the Patient Portal, navigate to Settings>System & Company Settings>General>Accounting. Scroll down the page to Payment Gateways.

Next to Accept Payments in Portal, select Yes.



Learn more about the individual fields
Accept Payments
in Portal

Allow for payments to be made using the patient portal.
This will assume you have set up an integrated payment gateway.

Email Pay
Online Request

Setting this to 'Yes' will email the patient a 'Pay Online' request 24 hours after their appointment is completed and invoiced if still outstanding.


6) Payments

Payment settings can be adjusted under Settings>System & Company Settings >Accounting under Payments.


Learn more about the individual fields
Chart # on
Payment Screen

Display the patient's Chart # when billing an appointment

Payment Type

Select from the drop-down menu which payment type should be selected by default when paying an invoice

Payment Screen Patient Selector

In clinics that have a lot of accounts receivable, it is recommended to use the Type-Ahead Patient Select option.

Record Credit Card Numbers

At the time of payment, enable the visibility of the credit card number/expiry date fields.  If enabled, the dates are encrypted using one of the highest encryption standards available today (AES).


7) Commissions

Commissions settings can be adjusted under Settings>System & Company>General>Modules>General >Commissions


Enabled: Set to Yes if you will use the Practitioner Commissions Module to track and manage Practitioner sales commissions. This enables the Commissions tab to display in the Practitioner Profile and allows you to set up the commissions per Practitioner.


8) Clinic's Health Care Numbers for Provincial Billing

Your Clinic's Health Care Numbers settings can be adjusted under Settings>System & Company Settings>Accounting>Clinic's Health Care Numbers


Clinic Health Care Numbers settings relate to Provincial Billing in Manitoba and British Columbia.  If applicable, this will be discussed during a dedicated training session.



If you will be using Juvonno to bill Teleplan, HCAI, Manitoba Health or Alberta Health, the best business practice is to run out your existing claims, pay them off and obtain a new Clinic Registration to start claiming in Juvonno.



3. Reminders & Notifications Tab

Emails and Reminders settings can be adjusted by navigating to Settings>System & Company Settings>General>Reminders & Notifications


a) Appointment Email Reminders

Select which fields you would like to appear on the patient's appointment email reminders then Save.




Appointment Email Reminders Time Sent

Emails reminders will not be sent before this time of day




b) Appointment Text Reminders and Phone Reminders

In this section, you'll be able to edit the settings, text, and script of your appointment text and phone reminders. 

Learn more about the individual fields
Reminder Text Message

This message will be sent to a patient as a reminder of their upcoming appointment by text message. Text messages can only be 160 characters in length, including any content tags' results involved. Otherwise, the message will fail and not be sent through. This includes spaces and any other special characters.

TIP: You may want to enter 'DO NOT REPLY' to prevent patients from cancelling appointments using this method.

Reminder Text Message Time

This is the earliest time when text message reminders are sent to patients.

Text Message Confirmation

Select this if you want patients to be able to confirm their appointment from their text reminder.

Reminder Text Message

Enter the custom text you want the patient to receive. Keep it as short as possible as you can only have a total of 160 characters including spaces and the number of characters inserted for the tags you enter.

Automated Phone Reminder Script

If you are sending automated robocalls this is the script that will be read on the call.

Content Tags

These dynamic tags act as 'shortcuts' to specified clinic, patient or appointment data. Entering these tags exactly as displayed in the Reminder Text Message field will replace them with their corresponding information when received by the patient.

Automated Phone Reminder Time

This is the time the Phone Reminder will be sent.

Automated Phone Voice Gender

Select male or female.

Automated Phone Cancellation


Content Tags

These are the tags you can use for the script to automatically input into the call.


c. Appointment Email Content

In this section, you'll be able to edit the text and appearance of any appointment email.


Learn more about the individual fields
Patient Booking Notification & Reminder Header Message

This message will appear after the appointment details in the email. This may include information such as your cancellation policy, what to bring to the appointment, the times your clinic is open, etc.

Note: This content is also added to an 'Accepted Appointment Request'.

Patient Booking Notification & Reminder Footer Message

This content will appear at the bottom of the message.

Accepted Appointment Request

This message will be sent when you approve an appointment request a patient has made through the portal. When accepting the appointment request you are still able to add customized comments specific to the request.

Declined Appointment Request

This message will be sent to the patient when you decline their appointment request through the Portal. When declining the appointment request you are still able to add customized comments specific to the request.


d. Invoicing Email Content

In this section, you'll be able to edit the text and appearance of invoice-related emails.




Learn more about the individual fields
Patient Unpaid Invoice Email When you email an unpaid invoice to a patient this message will be sent along with details about the invoice as well as a copy of the invoice pdf attached.
Patient Paid Invoice Email

This email message will accompany a copy of the patient's invoice PDF when using the Email Invoice function during appointment checkout.

Pay Online Request

This will be your email message when requesting a patient complete their payment online using the Patient Portal.

Voided Invoice

This message will be emailed to the patient if their invoice is voided.


e) Portal Signup Emails

In this section, you'll be able to edit the text and appearance of your clinic's Patient Portal signup emails.


Learn more about the individual fields
Patient Portal Confirmation

This message will be sent to a patient along with a link to activate their Patient Portal account.

Patient Portal Invitation

This message will be sent as an invitation to the patient with a link directly to the Patient Portal to set up their login.



6. Modules Tab

To enable or disable specific feature modules such as Charts, Commissions, the Patient Portal, etc. navigate to Settings>System & Company Settings section>General>Modules


Modules are turned on by default based on the features a standard clinic will use. There are a few dedicated fields that are province-specific or 3rd-party integration-specific that can be enabled when applicable. They are as follows:




Learn more about the dedicated fields

Chiropractor Billing

This field will enable a link on the appointment block for Manitoba Health Chiropractors to use the Chiro Billing Module.

Clinic's Health Care Numbers

This enables the Health Care Number field in the patient profile.

Google Calendar

Enables the google Calendar field in the Practitioner/Doctor field.

Treatment Plans
(Ontario Only)

Enable if your clinic will be creating treatment plans and communicating with HCAI.

HCAI Integration
(Ontario Only)

Enable if your clinic will be creating treatment plans and communicating with HCAI.

HLink Integration
(Alberta Only)

Enable if your clinic will be utilizing the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) and submitting claims through HLink.

Payment Gateways

Enable if you have purchased (or will be purchasing) either Stripe or Moneris and will be integrating with Juvonno.

Telus Health Eclaims

This enables Telus Health billing.

SR Fax

Enables this feature to fax Patient Profile Documents, Charts, Prescriptions and Letters.


Congratulations on completing Advanced System Setup Part 1!

Click here to continue to Advanced System Setup Part 2!

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