How to Pay an Invoice with Multiple Insurances 🎥

  • Updated


If a patient has Insurance policies that will cover a single treatment, follow the workflow below to pay the invoices.



  1. How does it work?
  2. Pay using Multiple Payment Types
  3. Payment Type Settings



detail-med.png How does it work?

First you must have the 2 insurance companies set up in the patient profile under their Insurance tab.

Primary and Secondary (this does not apply to Telus billed insurers).


Select an appointment you would like to invoice and choose Complete & Invoice.


The primary insurance record will be set as the first default. and the secondary will be set as the secondary. 


On the appointment block the insurance field will show "all active insurers" you can leave it set to this to bill both primary and secondary insurances during the check out process.



From a scheduled appointment on the schedule select Complete and Invoice.

When ready to proceed select checkout.



Note You are able to edit the total cost of an item if your system settings have been set with these permissions.


The Receive Payment window will display if the patient owes you a payment as the third payer.


If the payment has been covered by the primary and secondary insurance you will get a popup that indicates there is no invoice necessary.


Select Ok . You will now have 2 invoices to submit via mail or on the individual insurance portals.

Additional Notes If a patient has an outstanding amount from previous invoices,
the option to pay the full amount during Checkout will display as Pay AR.
  Stripe Payments cannot pay AR balances.
Invoices must be paid individually when using Stripe.
  Waived Amount and Bad Debt payment methods have their own reports available for accounting and/or tax purposes.




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