How to Connect your Telus Account to Juvonno

  • Updated

If you are a current user of the Telus eclaims Portal, this article will walk you through How to Connect your Telus Account to Juvonno.


System Setup

Step 1

Navigate to Settings then select General


Step 2

Select Modules, then locate Telus Health Eclaims under Integrations and set it to Enabled then Save


*Important: If you don't have this option, please contact and our support team will activate it for you


Telus Data Portal

Step 1

Log into the Telus portal


Step 2

Select I accept




Step 3

In the top left side of the page, select the icon then select the Banking Information 




This page will give you access to the data required to enter into Juvonno.


1. CPR Organization ID

In Juvonno under the Telus Health eClaims section there are 2 fields that need to be completed.


a.  It reads CPR Organization ID.

In Teluls it reads Telus Provider ID.






b. CPR Work Location ID


In Juvonno the field reads: CPR Work Location ID.

In Telus it reads Location IDs.



How to Add Telus Health to a Practitioner's Profile

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1

Inside a Practitioner's profile, go to the Telus Health tab.



Step 2

When opened, the window will show you the fields that need to be completed. If you only have 1 location you will only need to complete the first box with Default Telus Health Provider Settings.


a. License #

Enter License # found on the Telus Health Portal into this field



b. CPR Provider #/TELUS Provider ID

Enter the TELUS Provider ID found on the Telus Health Portal into this field

c. Username & Password

Enter in the Username and Password you use to log into the Telus portal to submit claims.


Note When Telus requires you to change your password you must log into Juvonno and open each practitioner profile, go to the Telus Health tab and enter the new password.


d. License Issuer

Select the appropriate option from the drop down in Juvonno


e. License & Practitioner Type

Select from the drop down options in Juvonno.


Multiple Licenses

If the practitioner has more than 1 licenses you will click the Add Another License and enter their second license information.

The next window will display another license box where you will enter the practitioners data and Save at the bottom of the page.


Multiple Locations

If you have more than 1 location you will enter the details for each location in it's own window under the Clinic section.  The example below shows 2 locations, 1 is for Clinic Rehab and 1 is for Mississauaga Location.  Enter the details relevant for each location.  Save at the bottom of the page.


*Note: When filling in individual clinic profiles, DO NOT filling in the Default


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