Patients : Chart Tab

  • Updated


Create a Chart in a Patients Profile

1. Open the Patients Profile>Chart tab and select +Add.




2. Charts you selected under the practitioner profile will appear under the Observations tab.



3. Click on the Tab based on the chart you want to create and the chart will open.



4. When you have completed entering the data select one of the Lock or Save options.



5. Options: If the chart is locked you will no longer be able to edit it but if the chart is In Progress or Completed you will be able to continue Charting until it is locked.


6. You are able to create a PDF file by selecting the Export to PDF option.




If the patient has a Default Clinic set in their profile the Chart will display the Default location.

If the patient does not have a Default Clinic set the address you entered under Settings, General, System, Company will appear on the chart.

You can Fax a chart if you have the Fax module enabled on your system.

How to add a document to a chart

1. Open the patients profile.

2. Select the Chart tab.

3. Open an existing chart or open a new chart where you will have access to the Document tab to add a document. 



4. Select the +Add tab. 



5. Browse for the document on your computer, select the document and select Save. 


Copy from Last Chart 

1. Open a New Chart and select Copy from Last Chart to auto populate the data from the previous chart you created.




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