If your user type allows it, you are able to administer Intake forms from inside a patient's profile. In this article, you'll learn where to find intake forms and how to assign them to a patient.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1
From inside the Patient Profile, select the Intake tab.
Step 2
Select Administer Forms located on the right side of the page.
Step 3
Forms you have enabled or published will appear on the list. You can select to show or hide the form in the portal. Select the forms you would like your patient to fill-out by selecting Show from the dropdown menu underneath the Portal header and click Save.
*Important: If the form is 'visible' in the portal, the patient will be able to fill out or read the intake form.
Step 4
Back inside the Patient Profile click Save.
Your patient will now have access to the selected forms via the Patient Portal.
Further Reading: How to Create Custom Charts & Intake Forms