Day End Report

  • Updated

Cashing out requires accuracy. With the Day End Report, you can track each locations payments, credits, sales, and expected compared to actual totals. You can run the report at any point during the day, and review daily location histories with the simple click of a mouse.


Location: Reports > Day End Report




Report Parameters

Use the report parameters to adjust what you would like to see on the PDF of the day end report. If your company has several clinic locations be sure to adjust the 'Clinic' filter to the clinic you are closing the day end report for.




Backdated Payments

If you have backdated any payments on the current day they are not reflected in the current Day End report.

Backdated payments will appear on the Day End report for the date you entered it under the Summary section but not under the Transaction page listing.

Use the Payment Received Report and Sales Reports.


Current Day End Report

Use the Day End Report to reconcile your daily cash, credit card receipts, debit receipts etc. and Appointment statistics.

The report also provides you with a Transaction list for the day on a second page.

Gift Cards will appear under a separate report called "Credits". 

You can also use the Payments Received report and use the "Credit's " option.



Day End vs Comprehensive Sales

To get actual sales for the day use the Comprehensive Sales report.  Locate the Products & Services Filter and make sure you do NOT have the gift card option selected.



Sample Day End Report



 Learn More about your Day End Procedures click here


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